Marsha & Maria drove Gary to work and the older girls finally got a chance to get most of the rest of their homework done. Maria threw up after every meal today, so she ended up with 3 baths. We're certainly doing a lot of laundry.
At 2pm we left for the pediatrician and the hospital. Maria's TB test came back negative, so then it was on to the hospital for blood tests. Her arm is so tiny and she was whimpering before the nurses even started. They had a little difficulty getting the needle in and once it was in, the blood was flowing too slow and then it stopped. They wiggled the needle and got it to flow, but Maria is so strong she threw her whole body and the needle slipped out. The two nurses did not want to chance the other arm, so they called up another nurse who is really good with children. He was funny, but got the job done. After that we headed to Corning to pick Gary up from work.
We didn't have time to head home after picking Gary up, so we headed out for a quick bite to eat which took too long and then headed to Pine Valley to church. The kids enjoy their youth programs. We were surprised by the number of people who greeted us and called Maria by name. Maria was introduced to more friends of the family and fell asleep with Linda. Linda is more than willing to babysit anytime:)
After church, we headed home for 2 more episodes of American Idol. We're almost caught up. The girls like to see if they can judge correctly. We held Maria down to give her vitamin syrup and then she went to bed. Hopefully she'll be doing better tomorrow.
Resurrection Message
*“Raised to walk in newness of life”* The week of Easter was filled with a
flurry of activities, including a youth Easter Bible Conference, Lord
Supper se...
7 years ago
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