Wow has July been busy. Since Marsha is home we have been able to have friends over and the girls have been able to have friends over. They usually have friends on Thursday nights to spend the night since Maria does not have therapy on Fridays. Two of the Thursdays Marsha slept out in the cabin with a bunch of girls. Gary slept inside and took care of Maria. Apparently Gary does not have the power to put her to sleep or she just thinks that dad is just for fun because he could not get her to sleep. She was too busy running around and laughing!
Macella went to Cortland Bible Club Camp from July 12th-July 17th.
Our friends Aaron & Bev & daughter Cari spent the night on the 17th. They were sweet enough to bring chocolate, which is always a plus! They also brought Maria some bubblewrap, which she absolutely loved!
Our friends Bill & Vicki & kids came for lunch on the 19th. They are moving to NC and will be missed.
We spent the weekend of the 24th out at Marsha's parents. We visited Gary's parents on the 25th during the day. Later that evening we were able to spend with friends Pr. Ron & Miriam & their kids. It was a blessing to finally be able to get together with them.
We visited WP church the 26th. Then we went to Grandpa & Grandma Glezen's for a big family picnic. Then we visited Grandpa & Grandma Gordon. Finally we took Kirstie to camp. She was able to go to camp with 3 friends (1 girl, 2 boys). We picked Kirstie up from camp on July 31st.
July pictures below:
Resurrection Message
*“Raised to walk in newness of life”* The week of Easter was filled with a
flurry of activities, including a youth Easter Bible Conference, Lord
Supper se...
7 years ago