Today we had our Christmas party in Rochester with our adoption group. This is our 4th Christmas party, but our first one with our Maria. The party last Christmas was the hardest. To see everyone with their children and know that we had a child waiting for us to pick her up was so hard. Two other families were able to bring their children for the first time as well.
Macella went to a friend's house for a Christmas party. She's growing up and the kids in our group are much younger, so we gave her a choice. She had a nice time with her friends.
Gary, Kirstie, Maria, & I made our way to Rochester and had a wonderful time. Many people were missing because of sicknesses. One family in our group could use some prayer. They've adopted two children from China and just came home recently with their daughter. Their son just had his tonsils out and he has not been doing well and their daughter is going in for a tonsillectomy and hernia surgery on Monday.
It was a blessing to have a visitor to our group from Romania. She is the mother-in-law of a woman with 4 adopted siblings (2 from Korea & 2 from China). She grew up in an orphanage in Romania and she said that she was blessed to see children taken care of and being shown such love. She blessed us with a story that her daughter-in-law translated for us. She said that people would take the kids candy and they loved candy, but when asked what they really wanted they said they just wanted a home. She was a sweet woman who blessed us with her presence and her thankfulness for us loving our children.
We had a great day with our friends. Maria wasn't feeling well, but she still enjoyed opening her gift. Kirstie did a great job taking care of her.
Enjoy some pictures of Maria's 1st Christmas party and our 4th!
Resurrection Message
*“Raised to walk in newness of life”* The week of Easter was filled with a
flurry of activities, including a youth Easter Bible Conference, Lord
Supper se...
7 years ago
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