Thanksgiving night we were able to find the Cracker Barrel. It was about 40 minutes from the hotel. They had a Thanksgiving Dinner which we all ordered and then the waitress had to come back to tell us that they were out of turkey. She felt so bad. We all had chicken instead. She gave us free dessert and drinks though. We had huge pieces of chocolate cake, ice cream, pumpkin pie, and chocolate pecan pie. Of course a trip to the Cracker Barrel isn't complete until a little time is spent on the outside rocking chairs.
Maria did pretty well. She had a little bit of a bloody nose before we left, but it wasn't too bad. At the restaurant she was tired at first, but she did eat some bread, stuffing, and mashed potatoes. It was obvious that her jaw hurt because she wouldn't chew anything hard. She wouldn't even chew her favorite Teddy Graham crackers.
We had a very nice family time together. Afterward we went back to the hotel and sat on the beds in a cirle and said what we were thankful for. We took Kirstie's suggestion of taking turns saying one thing at a time and continueing as fast as we could around the circle. It ended in a laughing session, so we knew it was definitely time for bed:)
Resurrection Message
*“Raised to walk in newness of life”* The week of Easter was filled with a
flurry of activities, including a youth Easter Bible Conference, Lord
Supper se...
7 years ago
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